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Journalism and Communication Education in the Digital Age: Development and Challenges
作者 蘇蘅吳岱芸吳俊葵
非常感謝各位老師前來參加《新聞學研究》創刊 50 週年的座談會。這次座談會的主題是「數位時代新聞傳播教育的改變與挑戰」。數位時代的媒體匯流改變製作模式和行業成規,傳播科技發展迅速,新技術推出隨即過時,新聞傳播課程要追上這 種速度,又要兼顧理論和實踐,為課程設計和教育實作帶來沉 重壓力。臺灣新聞教育從 1951 年的政戰學校開始,1954 年政大新聞系在臺灣復校,招收第一批研究生,正式展開在臺的大學新聞教育。1970 至 1980 年代,新聞教育主要以實務取向和公共議題為主,80、90 年代轉向大眾傳播教育;從 91 年開 始,傳播教育轉向分立,出現傳播科技、傳播管理、藝術傳播等新方向,傳播教育出現非常大的改變,從原先應用實務導向變得專門化、分眾化。
This is a roundtable attended by educators of the major journalism and communication schools in the Chinese societies of Taiwan and Hong Kong. The first set of topics pertains to the fast-changing digital media environment, including news media's working process, gatekeeping function, status of journalists, and criteria for excellent news, as well as the impact of digital technologies on the media. Most universities have already adopted online and technology-enhanced courses in their programs. The objectives of the program design reflect different wisdom in how to combine academic and practical pursuits and whether they follow industries' concerns. The inclusion of new technology is the newest trend, serving to enhance a university's competitiveness as a venue for quality education. The second set of topics relates to the challenges facing journalism education sector, the trend of curricular innovation, and the changing roles of educators in the digital age. One common problem facing universities is the difficulty in the recruitment of young, aspiring students for future journalism. How emerging technologies can be integrated into communication curricula has become a challenge for current educators. Many educators agree that the conceptual and theoretical contributions of this new trend in education remain to be developed. Another concern is how educators and students should ride the digital tide so as to best infuse accessibility into their own curriculum and to significantly improve their understanding of the outcomes of education.
起訖頁 179-217
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201801 (134期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 新媒介環境中閱聽人參與典範的建構:以歐洲閱聽人轉型研究計畫為考察對象
該期刊-下一篇 讀美國的新聞客觀性:《客觀性在新聞》




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