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A Study of the Relevance of Gender Identity and Characterization of Female Gamers in Massively Multiplayer Online Games
作者 楊美雪趙以寧
近年來,線上遊戲女性玩家日漸增多,是線上遊戲的重要客群。線上遊戲的虛擬特性,讓玩家可以根據自己的興趣和喜好塑造角色身份並重建自我認同,因此角色塑造是線上遊戲女性玩家性別認同重要的環節。 本研究採網路問卷調查法,將性別認同分為性別傾向與性別角色,並將線上遊戲的角色塑造分為性別、職業、外貌形象三個面向,以探討線上遊戲女性玩家性別認同與角色塑造的關聯性。研究結果發現:在性別認同方面,女性玩家在愛情與性的傾向上仍以男性為主;在性別角色的認知上顯示女性玩家已 逐漸跳脫了傳統性別刻板印象;本研究更點出了女性在玩具與遊戲、職業與工作、家務分工及領導者之細項上跳脫了傳統的性別角色思維。在角色塑造方面,女性玩家傾向將角色塑造為女性,呼應了許多國外的實證研究;職業選擇以魔法師與弓箭手居多;外貌形象上傾向選擇淺膚色與自信的形象。在性別認同與角色塑造的關聯性方面,本研究凸顯出女性的心理性別、 性別傾向及性別角色認知均會影響角色性別與職業的選擇。
The population of female gamers of Massive Multiplayer Online Games has increased significantly. Massive Multiplayer Online Games provide a virtual stage for players to freely shape their virtual roles and rebuild their self-identification based on preferences. Thus, characterization has become one of the most important parts when discussing female gamers of Massive Multiplayer Online Games. To understand the relevance of gender identity and characterization of female gamers in Massive Multiplayer Online Games, this paper divides gender identity into two parts: sexual orientation and gender role; and separates characterization into three parts: gender, class, and appearance. The results show the following. In gender identity, most female gamers are attracted to men. In gender role, female gamers must gradually shed gender stereotypes. This paper also finds that female gamers turn gender stereotypes upside down concerning toys, jobs, housework, and leadership. In characterization, female gamers tend to create female roles, tend to choose wizard and archer as an occupation; and create roles that have light skin and exude confidence. For gender identity and characterization, females' psychological sex, sexual orientation, and gender role all have significant influences on a character's gender and class.
起訖頁 89-144
關鍵詞 線上遊戲性別認同角色塑造Massive Multiplayer Online Gamegender identitycharacterization
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201801 (134期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 第一人或第三人效應?探析全球暖化的二階自他認知差異與影響
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