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Neurofeedback Based Attention Training for Children with ADHD
作者 唐詠雯陳金鈴張念喬
近年來,治療注意力缺陷過動症(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,ADHD)的方式逐 漸的往非藥物性的方式在治療改善注意力,而神經回饋訓練(Neurofeedback training)的治療 方式也逐案的在發展。於本研究當中,讓患有 ADHD 的孩童事先在訓練前後進行評估,探討訓練對孩童所造成的影響與改善。本研究利用腦波儀結合電腦遊戲訓練,在遊戲的過程中讓 孩童學習認識專注與培養放鬆,在熟悉專注與 放鬆後能控制它,幫助提升自己學習的效率與 減緩 ADHD 症狀發生的頻率,透過本研究訓練 後,分析了在進行訓練間所紀錄的遊戲參數與腦波原始數據,另外透過遊戲訓練的成績,所分析出的遊戲參數,發現使用者在相同難度訓 練的情況下,經由多次的訓練下來是有進步的, 系統藉由孩童訓練的過程中給予的回饋與變 化藉此提高孩童注意力及放鬆度。
In recent years, treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) approaches gradually to non-pharmacological modalities in the treatment of attention, and neuro-feedback training in the treatment of the gradual development. In this study, children with ADHD were assessed before and after training to explore the impact of training on children and improvement. In this study, the use of brain wave combined with computer game training. In the course of the game so that children learn to focus on and training to relax, to become familiar with the relaxation and control it to help and improve their learning efficiency and slow the frequency of ADHD symptoms. After training, we analyze the raw data of the brain waves during the training. In addition, through the game training results, the analysis of the game parameters and found that players in the same difficulty of training, through repeated training down there is progress. It can improve children's attention and relaxation through the process of child training to give feedback and changes.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 腦波過動症神經回饋訓練評估訓練遊戲NeurofeedbacklearningADHDEEGbrainwavetrain game
刊名 資訊科技國際期刊  
期數 201712 (11:2期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學資訊學院
該期刊-下一篇 動態睡眠排程機制於非同步無線感測網路




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