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將電子書: Sing Kids 融入課堂中用以加強幼兒的閱讀認知
On the Use of the E-book Sing Kids by Kindergarteners for Reading Comprehension
作者 孔蕙萱羅春琳
電子書在研究領域越來越興盛,但是少部分在探討電子書及紙本課本對於學習第二外語的幼兒的影響。本研究旨在探討台灣幼兒英文電子書之使用對其閱讀認知的影響與增進。研究對象為四十二位幼稚園學童,年齡介於四到五歲,就讀於中班。將這四十二位學童分別分成實驗組使用電子書上課及對照組使用紙本課本上課。研究設計是使用東西圖書事業股份有限公司所出版的Sing Kid2 紙本課本及電子書。研究時間為2016 年11 月至12 月。測驗的設計分為前測和後測。根據前測,實驗組及對照組沒有任何顯著差異,但是兩組在後測時都有顯著差異。前者較後者為優。本研究證明在教室中使用電子書能夠提升幼兒英文閱讀認知,且電子書學習在二十一世紀更是一大重要的學習策略。
The electronic books have become more and more popular but research investigating theireffect in comparison with the effect of printed books on learners has been scarce. Thepurpose of the study was to explore whether electronic books could increase Taiwan’spre-school learners’ reading comprehension than printed books. The participants’ ageswere between four to five years old. They were divided into the experimental group(e-books) and the control group (printed books), and the experiment lasted for one monthin 2016. Sing kid 2(both electronic version and printed version) published by East and WestBook Co. Ltd in Taiwan was used as materials in class. Pre-tests and post-tests wereconducted. In the pre-tests there was no significant difference between the two groups, andthere was significant difference in e-book group and printed book group in the post-tests.The former outperformed than the latter. This study demonstrated that electronic books arebeneficial to kindergarteners’ reading comprehension and thus serve as an important optionof learning devices in the twenty-first century.
起訖頁 34-49
關鍵詞 電子書幼兒閱讀認知e-bookskindergartenerreading comprehension
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201710 (15:特刊期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 超額與隱性翻譯的策略應用:哥德恐怖小說吸血鬼中譯本之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 台灣技專校院生之英語聽力能力之研究




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