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Parenting Crisis and Recovery on Families with Drug-exposed Children
作者 鄭于沛陳俊全
Family with drug-exposed will face more crisis and plight in taking care of the drug-exposed children. Seen from the light of child welfare, recovery in parenting is the primary guideline for an efficacious treatment for drug-abusers. Referring to literature and documents, this paper aims to explore the crisis of parenting and its recovery in drug-exposed families, stressing, from the multi-perspective approach, the paramount importance of recovery in parenting. Mere parenting education is not enough to effect changes. What we need is comprehensive plans which include sustaining home visits and the inculcation of family skills. Individual families with past records of drug-addiction should be provided with appropriate packages of supportive service to enhance interactions among family members and maintain family norms, and, simultaneously, these families should be provided with assistive strategies to bring about behavioral changes in family members. Finally, this paper ends with seven conclusions: first, family-centered and reconstruction of parenting is the paramount guideline for promoting the transformation on the effective of drug addiction treatment; second, limited services are not sufficient to deal with families from the multi-risks and special needs; third, depreciation on children by society and severe lack of supporting services; forth, the services ended before house door, no way to find proper approach for home visiting; fifth, the influence would be profound on those context could be found in drug use and character, the trust building would be benefit for multi-support; sixth, the supporting recovery on families with drug-exposed children started from the period of pregnant until to stabilize the parenting reconstruction; seventh, as soon as earlier to tailor made the parenting program for those families affected from drug-exposed, would be possible to blocked the intergenerational cycle. Suggestions will be offered.
起訖頁 141-184
關鍵詞 藥物暴露兒童藥癮家庭危機因子復原因子Drug-exposed childrenDrug addiction familyCrisis factorsRecovery factors
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201406 (11:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 「客工」生涯結束?中國大陸農民工社會保障制度變遷之探析
該期刊-下一篇 可實現的烏托邦?基本收入在當代的美麗與哀愁




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