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The Study of How a School Execute and Integrate Resources among Institutes to Help a Foster Care Child and School Guidance in the Present Situation
作者 吳采瀅王秀美
學校教師面臨因家內性侵被緊急安置兒童入學後的行為偏差時,要如何 因應?本文採用質性研究方法,深度訪談學校班級導師、輔導人員、寄養家 庭母親、和社工員共五人,來探究學校執行兒少保護安置個案與機構間資源 整合和輔導現況。研究發現有四:(1)兒少保護緊急安置個案入學--由社工員 主導開啟社會機構與教育機構合作歷程;(2)案童被安置後就學初期的身心狀 況--創傷和適應不良;(3)學校面對個案問題的處理--由學校主導來做資源整 合與應用;(4)個案的蛻變--成效的彰顯;和(5)學校執行保護安置個案經驗 的發現--顯現當前學校面臨兒少保護安置個案的困境。本研究最後根據研究 結果探究其意涵,並對安置寄養學童實務工作提出相關建議。
School teachers faced a child who was replaced in foster care because of sibling incest and who had behavior problems. How did they handle the situation? The purpose of this study was to use a qualitative methodology to investigate how a school execute and integrate resources among institutes to help a protective foster care child and school guidance in the present situation. In-depth interviews were utilized to gather information from 5 participants, which included class teacher, school counselor, foster mother and social worker. Findings were as following: (1) Due to the statutory of child protection, the social worker had to arrange a new school for the abused child, which initiated the cooperation among the school, other social resources, and community services. (2) When placedo in the new school, this child had symptoms of trauma and mal-adaptation. (3) The school had to direct and to coordinate with different resources. (4) This child had tremendously changed in her behaviors. And (5) when helping the abused child to go through the trauma, there were several difficulties that the school had encountered. According to these results, suggestions were provided for professional helpers.
起訖頁 233-268
關鍵詞 安置寄養家庭資源整合輔導foster careguidancereplacementresource integration
刊名 長庚人文社會學報  
期數 201710 (10:2期)
出版單位 長庚大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 朝鮮正祖《詩經講義》問答內涵研究
該期刊-下一篇 暢談道德言論的不道德之徒:賽繆爾.強森




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