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The Discord Harmony of Heaven Majesty (HM) and Value Vanish of Human Being (HB) in Chinese Culture--An Analysis of the Concord Theory of HM vs. HB Proposed by Dong Zhong Shu
作者 張鈞莉
The theory of Dong Zhong Shu tried to explain the relations between HM and HB induced many discussions of HM vs. HB which became a distinguished feature of Chinese culture. However, at the same time Dong’s theory not merely derived many writings of incorrect thoughts but also created chaos in various cultural fields which last 400 years throughout the entire Han Dynasty. It is generally agreed by scholars ever since, the reason of the disaster mainly incurred from Dong’s cognitions conflict of HM.In his confused theory of HM, Dong’s cognition of HM is a confluence of Moral Heaven of Confucianism, Will Heaven of Muoism, Natural Heaven of Daoism, and Yin-Yang (Binary) theory newly formed at early Han Dynasty mixed with his strong personal political ambition, altogether they rendered a concept of Heaven Majesty (HM) in discord harmony. The discord harmony is the feature of Dong’s network of thoughts, it is most distinguishably reflected in his cognition of HM.Based on this discord harmony theory of HM, when he attempted to build up the notorious Concord theory of HM vs. HB, in contrary to his expectation, the level of Human Being (HB) is not “ascending to above all creatures, becomes the most valuable on earth” - digested from Dong’s [Chun-Qiu-Fan-Lu], but lost all values of HB from the aspects of biological structure, psychological activities, motivation of good will and capabilities of better morality.In other word, it overwhelmingly shook the ground of the existence of human being, as well as the subjectivity, positivity and prospectivity. This is the most profound and pathetic problem of Dong’s theory.
起訖頁 13-39
關鍵詞 董仲舒天人合一說混同天道觀人道觀價值失落Dong Zhong ShuConcord theory of HM vs. HBDiscord HarmonyConcept of Heaven MajestyConcept of Human Being (Humanism)Value vanish (lost of value)
刊名 中原華語文學報  
期數 200910 (4期)
出版單位 中原大學應用華語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 漢語國際教育師資應具備的文化知識和文化素養--以漢語國際教育碩士專業學位學生培養為例
該期刊-下一篇 華語文教學與古典文獻閱讀




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