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中原華語文學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Overseas Chinese Education and Chinese Culture
作者 夏誠華
Chinese culture through Chinese language instruction has been well constructed and developed among the overseas Chinese communities. Traditional overseas Chinese education has mainly focused on teaching Chinese language and culture provided by the overseas Chinese communities in the countries abroad. After World War II, overseas Chinese communities have gone through some drastic changes from going back to their home country to having roots in the country abroad. For their advanced education and career planning, they must be emerged in the local mainstream society and learning the official language as their L1. Thus, overseas Chinese education of language and culture must be reformed in systems and institutes to cope with their countries abroad. This paper attempts to explore overseas Chinese education of language and culture both abroad and in Taiwan. Moreover, because of the prosperities of both sides of Taiwan straits, overseas Chinese education has bloomed and grown. In order to reach the win-win polices, we can cooperate our overseas Chinese education both in language and culture among the Chinese communities all over the world.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 中華文化華文教育僑民教育華僑Chinese cultureChinese educationChinese education abroadoverseas Chinese
刊名 中原華語文學報  
期數 200904 (3期)
出版單位 中原大學應用華語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 以東南亞華文教育的發展過程解析海峽兩岸文化融合的未來趨勢




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