中文摘要 |
本文運用Michele L.Crossley (Introducing narrative Psychology—self, trauma, construction of meaning)一書「創傷敘事」(trauma narrative)概念中的「疾病敘事」(illness narrative)與卡倫.荷妮(Karen Horney)《自我的掙扎》(Neurosis and Human Growth)裏的「自我理想化」(Self-idealization)等觀點為核心,以中國古典作家:屈原、陶淵明、嵇康、盧照鄰、杜甫、柳宗元等人的作品為文本,用「他人之罪」、「自我聖化」、「病殃的身體與心靈」、「撼動人心」等章節,探討其創作動機及敘述模式。期望分析、凸顯中國古典文學裏的「創傷敘事」(trauma narrative)脈絡,指出這些作品具有的心理癥狀,從精神分析的角度加以審視,以新的方式詮釋、解讀出其中深層的意義。 |
英文摘要 |
This paper applied the “illness narrative” concept in “Trauma Narrative”, which was provided in the book entitled “Introducing narrative Psychology—self, trauma, construction of meaning” written by Michele L.Crossley, and those viewpoints of “Self-idealization” provided in the book entitled “Neurosis and Human Growth” written by Karen Horney, as core, used the works of Chinese classical writers as text, including: Chiu, Yuan; Tau, Yuan Ming; Ji, Kang; Lu, Jau Lin; Du, Fu; and Liu, Zong Yuan. This paper is consisted of chapters and sections on “Other person’s guilt”, “Self consecra-tion”, “Inheritance and influence”, “Ill body and soul”, and “Shake human hearts”, to probe into their creation motives and narrate modes. Hope to analyze, highlight the trauma narrative context of Chinese classical literature, to point out that these works have psychological symptoms, to survey from psychoanalysis point of view, so as to interpret the profound meaning inside. |