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“With the Skills to Take the Seats” –A Discourse of Ruan Dacheng, the “Composer” in The Peach Blossom Fan, and the Drama
作者 林芷瑩 (Chih-Ying Lin)
This study intends to discuss how Kong Shangren highlighted Ruan Dacheng as a composer in The Peach Blossom Fan and introduced the implications of Spring Lantern Riddles and Swallow’s Message through plot design. Ruan Dacheng defended the political situation through Spring Lantern Riddles, while Kong Shangren, being a successor, presented his distinct interpretation. Swallow’s Message was the drama appearing the most frequently in The Peach Blossom Fan, which performed the scene of Fushe literati humiliating Dacheng through the drama, and Hongguang court played the story within the drama. Kong Shangren, through such plots, from different aspects, narrated his inferences about the monarch and the subjects in Hongguang court, Li Xiangjun, and Fushe literati. Finally, some scenario creation of Spring Lantern Riddles, e.g. the insertion of “Leap Thirty-six Chapters” and “Ten Mistaken Comments” at the end, also influenced the creation skill of The Peach Blossom Fan. It is regarded as the concluding discourse in this study.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 《桃花扇》《春燈謎》《燕子箋》孔尚任阮大鋮The Peach Blossom FanSpring Lantern RiddlesSwallow’s MessageKong ShangrenRuan Dacheng
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201801 (21期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-下一篇 《奇雙會》的幾個問題--出入徽京崑與鴞神解謎




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