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Alienation Effects in Contemporary Xiqu Reconsidered: Chichiao Musical Theatre’s The Police Chalk Circle
作者 謝筱玫
Although Mei Langfang’s Beijing opera performance in Moscow in 1935 inspired Brecht’s ideas of Alienation Effects, not all performances in xiqu (traditional Chinese sung drama) contain radical elements involving A-effects. This paper first argues that the discussion of Brechtian A-effects should focus on the ultimate goal of the production. That is, theatre practitioners defamiliarize the viewer and create a sense of strangeness by means of invention and breaking of theatre conventions, allowing the viewer to have a critical distance from the characters. In the space thus generated, the viewer is able to reflect his or her own relationship with the society, and further decides to take action to make a difference. The paper then discusses Chichiao Musical Theatre’s The Police Chalk Circle in 2013, adapted from Brecht’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Liu Jianguo. At the same time as the premier, a massive demonstration took place just a few blocks away, protesting and demanding disclosure of information regarding the unusual death of a young soldier. The Police Chalk Circle incorporates contemporary political concerns and sentiments, with its theme echoing the ongoing Taiwanese civil movement. Its narrative, acting and directing strategies are in line with the aesthetics of Brecht’s epic theatre. The novelty and surprise, particularly coming from its experiment with xiqu music, creates a powerful distancing effect. The paper attempts to explore how Brecht’s play and theory can be developed, transformed and reinvented in contemporary Taiwanese xiqu.
起訖頁 111-133
關鍵詞 布雷希特疏離效果奇巧劇團高加索灰闌記當代戲曲BrechtAlienation EffectsChichiao Musical TheatreThe Caucasian Chalk CircleContemporary xiqu
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201701 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 新中國劇社來臺演出考辨分析
該期刊-下一篇 圖像的誘惑:探繪劇場圖像學的理論發展與分析架構




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