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Drama Composition, Female Reading and Loyalist Complex: Composition and Publication of chuanqi Drama Qinlou yue by Zhu Su-chen
作者 郭英德
Between the fifteenth and the sixteenth years in the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou playwright Zhu Su-chen, under Wu Qi (1619-1694)’s request, composed a new chuanqi drama Qinlou yue (Moon above the Qin Building). He based the drama on a contemporary love story between Jiang Shi-jie (1647-1709) and Chen Su-su (1657-?), but changed the tragic ending of separation into a happy one of reunion. Erfen mingyue nüzi ji (Anthology of Erfen Mingyue Nüzi), printed as an appendix to the drama, widely circulated among the talented women in southern China, who were greatly inspired by it and successively responded in verses. Besides, famous literati in southern China, such as Wu Qi, You Tong (1618-1704), Chen Weisong (1625-1682), Yu Huai (1616-1695) and Li Yu (1611-1680) and so on, paid special attention and contributed to the composition and publication of the drama, through which to convey their dynastic nostalgia as Ming loyalists. This event reflects the cultural activities and cultural pursuits of the southern literati in early Qing China.
起訖頁 37-64
關鍵詞 《秦樓月》新戲女性閱讀江南文人遺民意識Qinlou yue (Moon above the Qin Building)newly composed drama female readingliterati in southern Chinaloyalist complex of yimin(leftover people)
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 201101 (7期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 歌之為言長言之也——曲唱發聲理論初探
該期刊-下一篇 北管婚變戲《三官(關)堂》抄本的口語傳統套式運用與敘事結構




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