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Absorbing Russia: From Ostrovsky’s The Thunderstorm to Cao Yu’s Thunderstorm
作者 陳相因
This article investigates the relation between nineteenth-century Russian playwright Aleksandr Ostrovsky and early twentieth-century Chinese playwright Cao Yu, using the approach of influence studies in the field of comparative literature and showing the considerable possibility that Cao Yu’s Thunderstorm imitates and internalises Ostrovsky’s The Thunderstorm. In this part, the investigation further provides plentiful examples from and comparative analyses of the two plays, tracing their origins, demonstrating their connection and explaining the probable reasons The Thunderstorm is the archetypal work of Thunderstorm. The focus of this study lies in the scrutiny of similar archetypes of characters, images and patterns in the texts of the two writers (the creator and the imitator), produced in Chinese literary currents and phenomena after absorbing nineteenth-century Russian literature. Based on the relation between the creator and the imitator, the second part of this article illustrates concrete and specific similarities and differences of devices, purposes, meanings, forms, motifs and themes in the Russian The Thunderstorm and Chinese Thunderstorm, offering comparative analyses. This section emphasizes the quality of products, in accordance with the manifestation and representation of the two texts. Apart from examining and referring to the contemporary Russian and Chinese literary criticisms of the two plays, this part juxtaposes the two works in order to show new considerations, denotations, connotations and interpretations, which have not been clearly noted in either text. While the article employs French influence studies and American parallel analysis as the main methodology, a critical and modified approach integrating the two schools is under consideration. From tracing Ostrovsky’s The Thunderstorm to scrutinizing Cao Yu’s Thunderstorm, the results of this study proffer an excellent example of absorbing Russia in early twentieth-century China, revealing the powerful impact of learning from Russia, the evident process of imitating the Russian artistic paradigms and the significant result of internalizing Russian literary legacy.
起訖頁 75-118
關鍵詞 中俄戲劇比較曹禺《雷雨》奧斯特羅夫斯基《大雷雨》Russian and Chinese comparativeliterature Cao YuThunderstormOstrovskyThe Thunderstorm
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 200907 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 懷舊的共同體與再合成的自我:金枝演社與臺灣春風歌劇團的新胡撇仔戲
該期刊-下一篇 搬演神聖:以玄奘取經行故事為中心




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