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The Reproduction of Lifestyle: The Literati Significance of Peking Opera Styles through the Master and Disciple Relationship
作者 王安祈
The variety of artistic styles marks the prosperity of Peking Opera. An artistic style emphasizes the idiosyncrasies of a master; this is the result of the personalization of the art of Peking Opera. Paradoxically, the artistic style simultaneously confines the personal styles of its disciples’ performances. In the genealogy of Peking Opera styles, disciples of a specific style not only imitate song and acting performances of the founding master, but also follow the master’s attitude towards life. Whether to “present one’s own personality” or to “reproduce the master’s lifestyle” is a controversial issue in discussions of the artistic styles and development of Peking Opera. This paper focuses on the master-disciple relationship between Yu Shuyan and Meng Xiaodong. Li Shaochun is mentioned in order to contrast two different orientations in Peking Opera performers: traditionalism and innovation. It is not my purpose to demonstrate whether traditionalism or innovation is superior, but I would like to make a cultural historical analysis of the so-called “perfect master-disciple relationship” between Yu and Meng. The section, “I am coming to see Yu Shuyan” discusses Meng’s inheritance of Yu’s art and the attitude of the audience toward the relation of Yu and Meng. The section, “Another stage of life” elaborates Yu’s disciple Li Shaochun’s attitude to Yu’s art and his innovation in Peking Opera. Having contrasted the opposite orientations of Yu’s disciples, the following section probes into the shaping of the Yu style and its literati nature, namely, Yu’s lifestyle. This helps us understand the significance of the master-disciple relationship between Yu and Meng. The section, “Imitation of lifestyle” examines Meng Xiaodong’s personal and artistic life, and analyses Meng’s lifelong pursuit of the Yu style throughout her entire career, even through her marital difficulties and wartime experiences. She carries the imitation of the Yu style from performances to her own lifestyle.
起訖頁 15-44
關鍵詞 余叔岩孟小冬李少春流派藝術京劇流派Yu ShuyanMeng XiaodongLi Shaochunartistic stylesPeking Opera styles
刊名 戲劇研究  
期數 200907 (4期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學戲劇系
該期刊-上一篇 論莎士比亞的悲劇觀:從中期悲劇看起
該期刊-下一篇 懷舊的共同體與再合成的自我:金枝演社與臺灣春風歌劇團的新胡撇仔戲




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