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AStudy on Integration of Singapore Securities and Futures Acts and Improvement of Financial Supervision
作者 蘇慧芬
More and more Taiwan securities firms concurrently operate futures business. Investors may also trade stock and futures. Because there is highly market price correlation between stock market and futures market, insider trading and market manipulation in securities market or futures market may have serious impact on both markets. This thesis takes the Singapore Securities and Futures Act for reference to analyze the disparity between Taiwan Securities Transaction Act and Futures Trading Act. The regulation arbitrage may be made by traders to trade futures instead of stocks in order to prevent from the serious punishment of Securities and Exchange Act. Besides, the financial product recognized as securities or futures contract is applicable to securities or futures related regulations whose requirement and punishment are different from each other. In the end, it will deteriorate the supervision efficiency and the international competitiveness. Concerning the work regarding integration of financial regulations could be tremendous, it is suggested that this issue shall be raised deliberately and consider the cost-benefit to take measures in due course based on the consensus of the market participants, administrative departments and legislative institution.
起訖頁 89-125
關鍵詞 證券期貨整合金融監理SecuritiesFuturesIntegrationFinancial supervision
刊名 期貨與選擇權學刊  
期數 201105 (4:1期)
出版單位 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 未平倉量與交易量對台指期報酬與波動的不對稱效果




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