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A Lattice Approach for Pricing Asset Swaps and Default Swaps with Counterparty Risks
作者 Chuang-Chang Chang (Chuang-Chang Chang)Jin-Bao Lin (Jin-Bao Lin)Wen-Chi Yeh (Wen-Chi Yeh)
In this paper we incorporate the counterparty risk concept of the Jarrow and Yu (2001) continuous-time model into the Hung and Wang (2002) lattice framework to develop a binomial model for valuing default swaps and asset swaps on convertible bonds with counterparty risks. The advantage in using our model is easily implemented for practitioners since the needed parameters in our model can be deduced from the market data of the term structures for the risk-free and risky bonds. From the simulation results, we find that both the default and counterparty risks play important roles in determining the values of asset swaps and default swaps.
起訖頁 33-84
刊名 期貨與選擇權學刊  
期數 200805 (1:1期)
出版單位 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 台指選擇權波動率微笑決定因子之研究
該期刊-下一篇 界內、界外及界上—區間計息債券定價之探討




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