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Effects of Different Jumping Events on Static Balance Ability of Elementary Higher Grades
作者 黃献宗陳家祥林俊達涂瑞洪
研究目的:以國小高年級學童為對象,探討不同跳躍活動介入對其靜態平衡能力之影響。方法:以國小高年級75 名學童為受試者,平均年齡10.8±0.29 歲;身高141.79±6.28公分;體重38.05±8.61 公斤,叢集取樣分為實驗組兩班及控制組一班,實驗組分為跳繩組實施十週、每週二次、每次30 分鐘的累積跳躍200 次一跳一迴旋之跳繩活動,及跳床組則實施同樣訓練方式但為跳床活動累積200 次。控制組則實施一般體育活動。所有受試者在實驗前後均接受靜態平衡能力測驗,為慣用腳赤足後,實施睜眼單足站立測驗,靜態平衡能力參數有壓力中心(COP)移動總面積、壓力中心移動總位移、壓力中心移動速度。相關參數以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計分析,顯著水準α=.05。自變項為不同活動型式及前後測,依變項為平衡相關參數。結果:在COP 總面積上,各組後測總面積均大於前測總面積,均呈現退步;在COP 移動總位移及移動速度上,跳床組進步幅度10.3% 且差異達顯著水準 (p<.05),跳繩組及控制組平均成績均退步。結論:跳床活動對於國小高年級的學童在靜態平衡上具有提昇效果。
Balance is indispensable for people who participates any activity, including babycrawling, children playing game, adult’s sport and the elderly preventing falling, which are allrelated to it. Currently, because of the highly developed electronic technology and internet,the life of sitting posture affects deeply to growing child. The purpose of this research is toinvestigate the effect of different jumping exercises implemented in ten weeks on the balanceforce for older pupils. There are 75 students (10.8±0.2 years old, 141.79±6.28 cm in height,38.05±8.61 kg in weight) who join to the experiments, which take cluster sampling and aredivided into trampoline group, skipping group and control group. Treatment Group consists ofrope-skipping group and the pupils in this group need to rope-skip 200 times(ex: one circlecounts one time) in 30 minutes, twice a week in 10 weeks; the trampoline group does likewise.As to the control group, they just do normal workout. All the participants need to take staticbalance ability test either before or after the experiment. The test is that the participants needto stand on their dominant and non-dominant foot with their eyes open. The parameters ofstatic balance ability are the overall measurement, the overall displacement and migrationvelocity of the pressure center movement. The data of static balance parameters of the tester iscollected before and after the exercises. Two-way Mixed design ANOVA method is used forthe statistical analysis with 0.5 significant level (α=0.5). Independent variables are thedifferent exercises and the measurement before and after the exercises. Dependent variablesare the related balance parameters and leaping height. Results: The static balance force and leaping ability in trampoline group are better than other two groups with good significantlevel (p<.05). Conclusion: Trampoline exercise can improve the static balance and leapingability for older pupils.
起訖頁 249-262
關鍵詞 跳床跳繩靜態平衡壓力中心jump ropemini- trampolinestatic balance abilitycenter of pressure
刊名 屏東大學體育  
期數 201512 (1期)
出版單位 國立屏東大學
該期刊-上一篇 跳床與跳繩運動介入對國小高年級學童動態平衡能力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 十週跳床活動對國小中年級學童平衡能力影響之研究




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