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Essay International Situation of East Asia in the 7th Century: Analysis of the Battle of Paekchon River
作者 劉建偉
The article mainly focuses on the battle of Paekchon River to explore the international situation of East Asia in the 7th. In this time, the Tang Dynasty had established a great empire. So, surrounding area, such as Korea and Japan, which were Tang's neighbors maintained a close relationship with Tang. But in the middle of the 7th century, the Korea three Kingdoms, Hsinlo, Paichi and Koguryo, had conflicted with each other. And successively led intervention of Tang Dynasty and the Japanese government which had experienced of Taika Reform. Therefore, the war of Korea peninsular became a transnational war, which bursted in 663A.D. The alliance of Tang and Hsinlo defeated their counterpart of Japan and Paichi. After the war, Japanese’ force withdraw from Korean peninsula, and Tang's force enter the peninsula. Then, when the alliance of Tang and Hsinlo defeated Goguryeo again, Tang and Hsinlo conflicted with each other. Finally, Hsinlo successfully expelled the Tang's force from peninsula and completed unification of Korean peninsula. After the battle of Paekchon River, Koeran peninsula completed unification by Hsinlo. Both Tang and Japan committed their domestic development of country. Therefore, three countries created the East Asian peace for a while.
起訖頁 115-138
關鍵詞 東亞國際關係白江口之戰朝鮮三國大化革新International Relation of East AsiaBattle of Paekchon RiverKorea's Three KingdomsTaika Reform
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201512 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 初探唐代吐蕃興衰--以宗教與政局的互動關係來省思
該期刊-下一篇 宋以前孔雀明王信仰在中國的流傳與發展




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