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Northern Liang influence of Buddhism on the regime region
作者 李國偉
West Jin Yongjia chaos, Jin Shi south, north China fall into five random current situation (304-439), while in the north the warring countries rise and fall of the impermanence of human life such as ants. Buddhism was spread to the eastern territory from the sea and by land, more land along the Silk Road and the Hexi Corridor. Consequent; Buddhism resembles the northern region of the flow distribution. In this paper, the main Buddhist influence on the Northern Liang Wei Gao and the regime, the first Dharmak ema at the time the Buddhist influence on the translation of the Code of the north to make an elaborate cool Buddhist monk from representatives of the Northern Liang period. Northern destroy them from the cold north, then north cool Buddhism in the Northern Wei Dynasty, how survival must continue on through the translation of Buddhist scriptures and open cave statues, and how the formation of the impact on Northern Buddhism spread. Finally, cool off from the north of Gaochang, although Gao Hong of the Buddhist Law, but high Changxing off, cold regime in the north, the spread of Buddhism in Wei Gao's more mainstream, and in the Grotto this period, but the achievements of Buddhist art on the bright immortal civilization.
起訖頁 57-73
關鍵詞 五胡亂華曇無讖北涼佛教石窟造像佛典經譯five random ChinaDharmak emaNorthern Liang BuddhismGrottoby the translation of Buddhist scriptures
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201512 (3期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 清商樂在漢唐之際的流變與發展
該期刊-下一篇 初探唐代吐蕃興衰--以宗教與政局的互動關係來省思




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