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An Analysis of the Origin of Statutory Law of China
作者 黎明昌
Since Liang Qichao published his “On the Pros and Cons of StatutoryLaw of China” at the end of Qing Dynasty, there has been a plethora ofdiscussion on the origin of statutory law.There is a temporal issue. Some scholars believed that statutory lawhad already originated from in the ancient Yu/Tang Period. However, someother scholars advocated that it should appear later until the Shang Dynasty,the West Zhou Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring StatesPeriod, or the Qin Dynasty. Those diverse opinions about such temporal issuewere produced due to the diverse definitions of statutory law. For example, isit a public or a private law? A case law or national legislation? A specialenactment or a code of law? Dose it correspond to nulla poena sine lege?Since there is no consensus about those disputes, scholars still have variousopinions.This thesis aims to collect those diverse definitions and compare theirsimilarities, and then plans to find a common definition. It will verify thesources and explain all the materials. Conclusively, I will propose that the“Nine Punishments” in the Western Zhou Dynasty is the origin of statutorylaw in China.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 成文法梁啟超沈家本九刑西周StatutorylawLiangQichaoShenJiabenNinecriminalWesternZhouDynast
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201312 (1期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-下一篇 宋王偃與宋王偃時期的宋國──兼論戰國時代小國的生存之道




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