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A Preliminary Study of Manchu on the Name Plaques of Qing-Dynasty Imperial Buildings and City Gates
作者 戈思明
There are fewer Qing dynasty imperial buildings and imposing city gates in Shenyang, the northeastern Chinese city from which the ethnic Manchu minority originated, than in Beijing, the capital from which they ruled China from 1644 to 1911. There used to be some city gates far away in Xinjiang, to which the Manchu-speaking Sibe people, a tiny nomadic minority, came as permanent settlers-on the decree of the Qianlong Emperor-to establish military strongholds in the northwestern corner of the empire, after a long journey westward from their home town of Shenyang, late in the 18th century.Almost all these brick-and-clay structures in the above-mentioned regions share one common feature: they are decorated with name plaques with, in most cases, Manchu and Chinese inscriptions, placed in high positions to facilitate visibility and, hence, identification. An analysis of Manchu on those name plaques is instrumental not only to the gaining of insights into the language from its creation and growth to its eventual disuse, but also in revealing a close link between Manchu and Jurchen, a language spoken by the Nuzhen people who occupied part of China in the 12th and-13th centuries. Perhaps even more importantly, moreover, it helps in the identification of errors or irregularities in Manchu usage made on certain name plaques and in dictionaries.
起訖頁 95-136
關鍵詞 無圈點滿文有圈點滿文gongdiangelouzhaifangmenold Manchunew Manchu
刊名 史學彙刊  
期數 201206 (29期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 宋真宗咸平時期鎮定高陽關行營之建立
該期刊-下一篇 從檔案論盛清君臣抄寫佛經的特色並淺釋文化意義




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