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Prison in the prison: The right to health care of the inmates with drug addiction and HIV/AIDS in the correctional institutions
作者 蔡春美
The purpose of this paper is analyzing the field observations and the response of the inmates in the drug addiction HIV/AIDS health education programs, sorting out the situation of health situation of drug addiction HIV/AIDS inmates in prisons. The field observation is from Feb. 2009 to Jan. 2012, and July 2013 to Apr. 2016. The findings are: 1). The situation of drug addiction HIV/AIDS inmates who are ‘in prison in the prison', many structural barriers cause health education is difficult to in-depth drug addiction HIV/AIDS population. 2). The HIV/AIDS status tend to be exposured, but they used to keep silent; 3). Drug addiction HIV/AIDS inmates lost the right to freedom also lost the right to health; 4). Because the lack of medical fee, professionals and faculties, in addition lack of security members, limitation of outer medical security guard, the prevention and medical care to inmates are poor; 5). The resources of the health, welfare and legal system is a fracture. This paper put forward some practical and policy suggestions.
起訖頁 119-144
關鍵詞 藥癮愛滋感染者藥癮愛滋收容人矯正機關健康權減少傷害drug addiction with HIV/AIDSinmates with drug addiction and HIV/AIDScorrectional institutionsright to health careharm reduction
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 201612 (31期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 心智障礙者自我倡導團體的發展──八個單位的比較
該期刊-下一篇 「監獄中的監獄:我見矯正機關藥癮愛滋收容人的健康處境」回應文




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