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Spirituality and Drug Abstinence: The Spiritual Journey of Heroin Use Abstainers in a Christianity Drug Rehabilitation Village
作者 蔡佩真
Purpose: Spirituality can improve people's health and quality of life. Religion is one manner of outward expression and description of the spiritual. It can provide people with inner strength and resources. Substance abuse is not only a physiological problem, but also a trap and spiritual dilemma, for addicts. The aim of this paper is to explore how religion provides spiritual care to addicts and helps them become rehabilitated. Methods: The interview method was used to explore the spiritual experiences of twenty-three heroin use abstainers in a Christianity drug rehabilitation village. Results: The main findings are as follows. First, the interviewees have obtained a new understanding of the goal of treatment by focusing on rebuilding a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Second, they have made self-adjustments, including changing their mindset, facing themselves honestly, avoiding lying to other people or to themselves, accepting mercy, awakening their conscience, developing internal control, and restoring a sense of dignity. Finally, they rebuilt their relationship with God, including respecting God, practicing self-discipline, and building new reliance on God instead of drugs. Conclusions: Spiritual care and the development of addicts' spirituality can help heroin use abstainers to develop their capacity for courage and resilience, not only curing the symptoms but also the disease and continuing addiction relapses, and rebuild their lives. Spirituality can bring new insights to drug addiction treatment.
起訖頁 109-137
關鍵詞 靈性宗教戒癮spiritualityreligiondrug abstinence
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 201506 (28期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 告別悲觀主義預言?試論臺灣人口老化危機的迷思與挑戰




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