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Master Ming Oou-yi the writings are a year
作者 謝成豪
Master Ming Oou-yi (1599-1655), the Jiangsu Wuhsien wooden blasphemes the human, the lay surname clock, the famous border is bright, number eight not handymen in buddhist temple.Little the good Confucianism, the oath extinguishes Buddha and Laozi, the partner reads lotus pond master ”Self-awareness Record”, ”Bamboo Window Informal essay”, then takes oneself to ward off Buddha to discuss burns it. The clothing father loses the period, heard original wishes of the ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the beginning sprouts becomes monk the will. 24 years old tonsure disciple of snow range on the gruff Master Shan. Tastes study Hua Yan, Tientai, only the knowledge, wants to unify the imperial sacrifices, to teach, the law, synthesizes the Buddhism various family system, only stresses in the practice prays to Buddha, to advocate fuses Buddha, the road, the meek Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism. Oou-yi benefits master's writings to be rich, its famous has ”Arab League Amida after To have To solve”, ”the Book of Change Imperial sacrifices Solution”, ”Four Book Oou-yi Profit Solution”, ”Reads Tibet To know Tianjin”, ”Spirit Peak Ancestor Discusses” and so on 50 kinds, 200 volumes. Two works study the human ”Master Ming Oou-yi Writings Biographical chronology” is by ”the biographical chronology” the form, the research Oou-yi benefits master the writings earliest literature material, has the Ming and Qing Dynasties Buddhism biography research value. But since has printed is apart from the now 60 remaining years of life, the literature historical data excessively is old, the page layout illegible handwriting, this article research work namely is supplementing and correcting ”Master Ming Oou-yi Writings Biographical chronology” mistake and deficiency.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 靈峰宗論閱藏知津周易禪解八不道人傳阿彌陀經要解Spirit peak Zong Lunreads Tibet to know Tianjinthe Book of Change imperial sacrifices solutioneight handymen in buddhist temple does not pass onthe amida after must solve
刊名 東吳中文線上學術論文  
期數 200903 (5期)
出版單位 東吳大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 年光一瞬最堪哀──葉小紈詞析論




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