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he Exposition of Fan Chung-yen's Military Thought As Well As His Military Literature
作者 王偉建
范仲淹生在北宋真宗、仁宗「積弱」、「積貧」逐漸成型的時代,具直言無諱、剛 正不阿的個性與悲天憫人、關懷家國的情愫。在朝中,秉持真理、力矯時弊,積極推 動政治改革;在地方,深恤民瘼、關懷民生,勠力解救百姓疾苦;在邊區,慎謀能 斷、因勢利導,有效阻扼外族的侵犯。畢生奉行「先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而 樂」的高操情節,淑世救國;留下「立德、立功、立言」的典範曠世不朽,實為後世 政治人物師法的表率。然而,除了政論、治績深受後人所重視效法與人民的緬懷之 外,其善用《孫子兵法》謀略所展現的兵學思想,並有效運用在對抗西夏犯邊的戰場 上;另在策謀定國與實戰經驗中,透過詩文感性抒志所產生的軍事文學,真可為文壇 注入別樣異彩。本文於兵學思想,歸納出五個面向:「文經武緯,精實廟算」的軍政主張、「取用於國,因糧於敵」的戰備作為、「知己知彼,百戰不殆」的全軍思維、「先不 可勝,待敵可勝」的積極防禦、「避實擊虛,致人而不致於人」的機動攻守,並引據論 證;於軍事文學則臚列「愛國懷鄉的深情流露」、「實戰經驗的文學記述」、「以史為鑑 的省思論證」三小節,予以舉證論述。期能藉此凸顯范仲淹在武功、文學方面所呈現 的特色,印證文武兼備人才對國家社會的影響與貢獻。
Fan Chung-yen was born in the Northern Song Dynasty, the emperors of which were Sung Jen-tzung and Sung Ren-tzung. Being candid and upright, bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind, Fan Chung-yen positively took political measures though he was in an era of degeneration and poverty. Besides, as a governor he was concerned about people's welfare and did his best to improve the suffering of the people. In the border, he could prevent his country from the invasion of the enemies by making decisive judgement and making the best of new opportunities. Fan Chung-yen said, “Worry before the people worry; rejoice after the people rejoice.” The Chinese Classical “Li Gong,” “Li Yan” and “Li De” (that is to say, “Noble Morals, Great Achievements and Theoretical Contributions”) was a good motto for the descendants to follow and commemorate. He was a good model of statesmen with civilians and the military working hand in hand. He was good at using the theories of “The Art of War” to express his military thought and fight with the Xixia enemies in the battle field. He was also a good writer to express his emotion and sensibility in military literature as to be outstanding in literary circles, a real Confucian scholar and an excellent statesman in Chinese people. Fan Chung-yen's distinguishing feature in martial art and literature was presented clearly and verified that people who were master of pen and sword influenced the society and contributed to the country.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 范仲淹孫子兵法兵學思想軍事文學Chung-yen Fan“The Art of War”military thoughtmilitary literature
刊名 東吳中文線上學術論文  
期數 201712 (40期)
出版單位 東吳大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 《老子》思想中的「道」之體性底再省思──以袁保新先生之詮釋為視域展開




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