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從Hans Hollein 作品探究建築地標的形成
Using Hans Hollein’s Projects to Explore Characteristics of an Architectural Landmark
作者 許維玿吳佳慧
本研究藉由國際建築大師Hans Hollein 的12 件作品,以建築地標意象為探討主體,經由文獻探討法、內容分析法及訪談法進行研究,並利用所建立之評量表進行分析影響商業、公共及辦公/廠房類建築地標的主要因子,研究過程發現,建築地標因子的構成有自身條件(顯性)與外來因素(隱性)兩種區別,屬於自身條件有位置、形狀、量體、高度及皮層,屬於外來因素有背景條件及文化,而影響建築成為地標的前三名因子則為形狀、皮層及文化,其中「形狀」為共同之主要影響因子,希望本研究結果可提供設計工作者日後工作之參考與應用。
A city’s landmark is the icon of the city, representing its best image, culture as well as spirit. Taipei 101, the world’s tallest building at the time of its completion, is a landmark of Taiwan. It enhanced Taiwan’s visibility to the world, and thus fostered nation-wide economic development as it led Taiwan towards a global stage. That is what a successful landmark can do. Nevertheless, globalization has also generated architectural homogeneity. In this modern society where individuality is valued, buildings should have their own personalities in order become and remain landmarks of their respective cities. This paper looks in depth at 12 architectural works of world-renowned, recipient of Pritzker Architecture Prize, Hans Hollein to define the characteristics of an architectural landmark. Literature reviews, content analysis, interviews and questionnaire were conducted in this study. The results aggregately showed that the condition of a building (explicit factor) and external factors (implicit factor) all contribute to the recognition of landmark architecture. Explicit factors include Location, Shape, Size and Architectural Skin of a landmark; implicit external factor includes cultural background. Among these factors, architectural shape, skin and culture leave the greatest impression on viewers. The purpose of the research is to provide architects with applicable references for future designs.
起訖頁 98-110
關鍵詞 Hans Hollein建築地標形狀皮層文化Landmarkshapearchitectural skinculturehans hollein
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201707 (12期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 高齡失智症日間照護中心之園藝治療設施設計研究




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