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Study on the Culture Preservation of Military Village and Its Reuse Strategy – A Case of Ming De Village in Zuoying
作者 王曉鴻陳芸安
Military-Dependents’ Village is a complex built by the KMT government as a way to accommodate its solders migrating along with it back in 1945 This complex contains special histories and backgrounds. It also represents a unique way of group living which records particular lifestyles, experiences, and values belonging to certain tribes. Military-Dependents’ Village as a result stands for a fusion of multi-cultures and gradually develops a heritage precious to Taiwan. However, due to the implementation of the “Act for Rebuilding Old Quarters for Military Dependents”, many villages faced the fate to be torn down. In order to help the fast disappearing Village cultures, the government cooperating with social and cultural organizations has been devoting to the preservation of these cultures for years. Yet, due to different opinions and comments on the preservation of Village cultures, difficulties and obstacles lie in the way of efforts to any achievements. The results of these efforts have distinguished among villages launching different strategies. Ming De Village in Zuoying - with the longest village history in southern Taiwan, an intact Navy background, and an array of natural resources - is accordingly labelled as a cultural heritage preserved and protected by the government. With a promising beginning to preserve this complex, the progress nevertheless has been dragging on so far to people’s dismay. This research aims at analyzing the progress of preserving Ming De Village. By using field research and face-to-face interviewing, we have a thorough understanding of the preservation progress in Ming De Village. In comparison with the primary research results on preservation and re-use of Shengli Village in Pingtung and Shuijiao Cultural Park in Tainan, comprehensive strategies are defined regarding the case of Ming De Village. An intensive study of these three villages - Ming De Village in Zuoying, Shengli Village in Pingtung , and Shuijiao Cultural Park in Tainan – assists in designing feasible plans with probable pros and cons. Through analyzing in-depth case studies, this research will hopefully submit proposals with hypothetical and attainable situations applicable to Ming De Village in Zuoying as well as will provide references for its future preservation and reconstruction.
起訖頁 65-81
關鍵詞 眷村文化再利用明德新村左營Military community culturereuseming de villagezuoying
刊名 華梵藝術與設計學報  
期數 201707 (12期)
出版單位 華梵大學
該期刊-上一篇 透過網路分析工具進行咖啡杯設計之研究
該期刊-下一篇 高齡失智症日間照護中心之園藝治療設施設計研究




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