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The challenges of long-term gay couples in Taiwan
作者 謝文宜 (Wen-Yi Shieh)曾秀雲 (Hsiu-Yun Tseng)陳雯隆 (Wen-Long Chen)
幸福、長久的伴侶生活人人欣羨。本研究邀請10 對願意接受延續性調查訪問的男同志(平均交往10 年8 個多月),伴侶雙方共同接受1-2 個小時的深入訪談。探討長期而穩定同志伴侶關係中面臨的難題與挑戰,以及突破困境的經營秘訣。研究結果發現,男同志伴侶關係在「無法訴說」的秘密性中,容易因長期反覆的爭吵、生命發展階段的困境,以及僵化且缺乏資源的伴侶關係等議題而感到困擾,甚至重新思考這段關係究竟是否繼續下去。在男同志長期伴侶關係的困境與挑戰中,多數伴侶藉由衝突處理,化解僵局,擬定共同的目標,角色補位與性關係/性別角色彈性協調等因應方式,進而從逆境中看到希望,利用個人優勢與資源,建立長期合作的伴侶關係。
Most people yearn for long lasting and happy couple relationship. The authors invited 10gay couples participating in a previous study and willing to be interviewed for the current study(Average duration of dating 10 years 8 months). The interview focused on what difficulties andchallenges they face in their relationships and their strategies to overcome. It was found that theirsecretive couple relationships can be greatly troubled if there are recurrent arguments, difficultiesdue to life development stages, or issues related to rigidity and lack of resources in their relationships.They had been through times that they considered whether or not to continue the relationships.Most of them use strategies like conflict management, dissolving impasse, setting mutual goals,role complementary, and sexual role/sexual relationship negotiation to see hope in time ofdifficulties. They used their personal strengths and resources to build a stable, collaborativecouple relationship.
起訖頁 63-90
關鍵詞 同志伴侶同性戀男同志長期伴侶關係gayhomosexuallong-term relationshipsame-sex couples
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201707 (14期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 以蛋白質體分析反應曲面最適化之牛樟芝腺苷產量




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