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“Why don’t you change the color?”: A Case Study on Maternal Directiveness and Responsiveness to One Preschooler’s Compliance and Noncompliance in Mother-Child Interaction Context
作者 林慧芬
本研究目的有二:一、以「指示」與「應答」教養行為勾勒一位母親對其三歲幼兒的教養樣貌與並探討其所呈現的意義;二、分析親子啟始及對方回應模式之雙向互動,包括(一)母親啟始的指示教養行為與幼兒順從與否之關聯;(二)幼兒啟始與母親回應的模式。所分析的資料為家庭觀察的錄影及母親的訪談。於一年中錄影6 次共約6 小時,親子互動錄影及與訪談母親的資料轉成逐字稿後,選擇具有代表性的三次觀察逐字稿做質與量的編碼分析。本研究發現:一、本個案母親教養方式之特徵為「指示」多於「應答」,且教育、糾正指示的次數最多,導正孩子行為的意味濃。且母親的指示教養行為既有控制也有支持的含意。二、幼兒對母親啟始的「管」指示,多以「不順從」回應;對母親啟始的「教」指示,則多以「共同焦點」回應(卡方值=69.89, p<0.0001)。三、不計親子的交談,幼兒啟始模式以「提出要求」最多﹐母親的回應模式以「教」指示和「應答」為多。表面上母親有較多啟始行為,實際上幼兒的不順從已具技巧,可影響互動的方向。本研究對父母、幼兒教師之建議為:一、「管」指示容易引起幼兒反抗;「教」指示容易讓幼兒順從。二、若親子雙方能建立互惠的關係,孩子比較願意順從父母的教導。本研究只探討一個個案,所能觸及的廣度有限。未來將以此為基礎,陸續加入其他個案,以建構更清晰台灣母親的教養圖像。
The purpose of this case study was two fold. First, this research explored a mother's childrearing practices from the dimensions of maternal directiveness and responsiveness. Second, thecurrent study analyzed the relationships between maternal directiveness and child's compliance aswell as noncompliance. Home observations of one mother and her preschooler were videotaped ina nature free play situation for six times within one year. Maternal directiveness, responsivenessand the child's behavior (e.g., compliance, noncompliance, requests, and conversation)were codedfrom the transcriptions of videotaped interactions. Results indicated more directiveness thanresponsiveness was observed in mother's child-rearing practices. The mother’s directivenesscontains the meaning of control as well as support. The multidimensional nature of maternaldirectiveness and responsiveness were discussed. Second, the child tended to be more compliant tosupportive directiveness, and to be more noncompliant to intrusive directiveness. Results suggestedthat parents establish a communal form of reciprocity with children. A child tends to cooperatewith his parent, if the parent's willingness to cooperate with the child has been previouslyperceived.
起訖頁 121-155
關鍵詞 指示應答不順從自主親子互動教養行為maternal directivenessresponsivenessnoncomplianceautonomymother-child interactionchild-rearing
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201105 (5期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 居家失能老人福利服務認知與使用因素之研究:以臺北市為例




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