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A Study of Brand Awareness and Customer Behavioral Intentions of Wedding Banquets Industry in Taipei Area—Customer Satisfaction as a Mediation
作者 許順旺 (Shun-Wang Hsu)李英慈
本研究從消費者的觀點來探討大台北地區婚宴產業之品牌知名度、顧客滿意度與消費者行為意圖之間的關係。研究目的在於:1.瞭解大台北地區婚宴產業的現況與品牌知名度之差異。2.探討不同個人背景變項對婚宴品牌知名度、顧客滿意度及行為意圖之差異。3.探討品牌知名度與顧客滿意度及行為意圖之間的關聯性。4.探討顧客滿意度對品牌知名度與行為意圖的中介效果。以改編式量表做問卷調查,研究對象選擇在台北縣市居住或工作,且近半年有參加婚宴經驗的消費者作為本研究之施測對象,共發放500 份問卷,回收433 份,有效問卷為379 份,有效回收率達75.8%。以SPSS12.0 及AMOS7.0 統計軟體進行分析。研究結果如下:1.目前大台北地區婚宴產業之品牌知名度仍以國際觀光旅館較高,其次為婚宴會館;2.不同消費者的婚姻對菜色口味,氣氛設備、購買意願及正面口碑有顯著差異;不同消費者的年齡及教育程度對購買意願有顯著差異;3.在直接效果方面:婚宴場地的品牌知名度愈高,則消費者的顧客滿意度及其子購面(服務品質、菜色口味及氣氛設備)的滿意度也會愈高;而消費者的顧客滿意度愈高,則其行為意圖及其子購面(購買意願、正面口碑)也會愈高;4.在中介效果方面:顧客滿意度及其子購面(服務品質、菜色口味及氣氛設備)會對品牌知名度與行為意圖之間產生完全中介效果。
This study contains the relationships between brand awareness, customer satisfaction, andbehavioral intentions from the customers’ aspect. The purpose of this survey was: 1. Find out themarket status of the wedding banquets in Taipei and its variety in brand awareness. 2. Analysisdifferent variety in demographic factors to the difference in brand awareness, customer satisfaction,and behavior intention. 3. Study the linkage between brand awareness, customer satisfaction, andbehavior intention.4. Discuss customer satisfaction’s indirect effect to brand awareness andbehavioral intention. The methodology was mainly based on questionnaire survey. The researchtargeted people who live in Taipei City and Taipei County, and have had the experience inattending wedding banquets in the past six months. Five hundred questionnaires were issued and433 replies with 379 completed. The completed reply rate was 75.8%.The SEM structure formulawas analyzed by SPSS12.0 and AMOS7.0.The result suggested that 1. The brand awareness of the wedding banquets industry is highestin international tourist hotels, and followed by the local wedding banquets halls. 2. Differentbackground factors, such as merry has significant difference in the food quality, equipment andatmospheres, purchase intention and word of mouth. Different background factors, such as age andeducation level have significant difference in the purchase intention. 3. In the direct effect, the higher brand awareness of the wedding banquets, the higher customer satisfaction including servicequality, food quality, and equipment and atmospheres, will would occurred. Customer satisfactionhas positive relation on the behavior including purchase intention and positive word-of-mouth. 4.In the indirect effect, customer satisfaction including service quality, food quality, and equipmentand atmospheres are completed media on the brand awareness and behavior intention.
起訖頁 107-139
關鍵詞 婚宴產業品牌知名度顧客滿意度行為意圖wedding banquets industrybrand awarenesscustomer satisfactionbehavioral intentions
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 201005 (4期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 不同加工及包裝處理蒜泥塗抹醬在儲存過程中品質之變化




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