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Playing-related Health Problems and Quality of Life among Senior High School Students
作者 黃鈺婷 (Yu-Ting Huang)蔡佩倫 (Pei-Luen Tsai)
音樂家產生與演奏相關之身心健康問題,可能影響其表現和生活品質。本研究的目的在於調查國內高中音樂班學生經歷與演奏相關健康問題的情況,探討相關因素和對生活品質的影響,並與同齡之一般學生做比較。共計206位高中音樂班和普通班的學生接受問卷調查。結果顯示兩組學生曾經歷上半身肌肉骨酪損傷的比例皆超過50% (音樂班:54.37%;普通班:59.22%), 受傷種類則分別以肌腱發炎(音樂班)和肌肉扭傷(普通班)為主。在受傷部位方面,兩組皆以肩膀所佔的比例最高,其次為手指與手腕。受傷的主要症狀為疼痛,但音樂班學生的症狀嚴重程度較普通班學生為高「對於造成肌肉骨酪損傷的原因,兩組學生有明顯的不同:音樂班學生以增加練習時間和練習較困難的曲目為主,而普通班學生則以使用電腦過度和意外傷害為主。此外,曾受傷的音樂班學生的學習和練習時間顯著較長,且顯著較為焦慮,生活品質滿意度也較低。多數學生在受傷後未接受適當的醫療協助,也未採取策略預防再度受傷。因此,及早教導學生學習預防罹患肌肉骨酪損傷的策略,維持身心健康以及受傷後的適當醫療處理原則是目前音樂教育和醫療相關專業中十分重要的議題。文中並討論職能治療對音樂家可提供的專業服務內容。
Musicians often suffer from playing-related health problems, which could have significant effects on performance ability and quality of life. The goal of the present study was to survey music major students of senior high schools regarding their playing-related health problems and causal factors in Taiwan. The quality of life was also examined. A group of 206 music and non-music major students of senior high schools were asked to complete 3 self-report questionnaires. Results showed that high prevalence of musculoskeletal injury was found in senior high-school students (music major: 54.37%; non-music major: 59.22%). The most common injury types were tendonitis (music major students) and muscle sprain (non-music major students), and most frequent affected areas were shoulder, fingers and wrist orderly. Pain was the predominant complaint of these students who had experienced injury, but the severity of pain in music major students was higher than non-music major students. The most common causes of injury were different between two groups: increasing practice time and practicing difficult repertoires for music major students, computer overuse and accidents for non-music major students. The results also indicated that more years the music major student had played his or her instrument and prolonged practice were found to be related to musculoskeletal injury. Moreover, music major students who had injury were more anxious and less satisfied with their quality of life. In addition, most of music major students with musculoskeletal injury did not receive proper medical counseling and also did not adopt prevention strategy to avoid injury again. Therefore, educating music major students concerning prevention strategies, maintenance of physical and psychological health, and proper medical managements are important issues for music education and medical professions. The occupational therapy can offer services to musicians were discussed.
起訖頁 161-189
關鍵詞 高中音樂班學生肌肉骨酪損傷生活品質音樂教育職能治療music major students of senior high schoolmusculoskeletal injuryquality of life music educationoccupational therap
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 200905 (1期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 學前教師對實施融合教育態度之探討




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