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Test on Reliability and Validity of Participating in Golf Sport Motivation Scale
作者 吳兆欣包怡芬
The purpose of this research, which applied structure equation model and rigorous statistical analysis program to test participating in golf sport motivation scale, is to test the reliability and validity of participating in golf sport motivation scale. The scale has five factors: external regulation, introjected regulation, identified regulation, intrinsic motivation and a motivation. There are 291 subjects analyzed in total. The result shows that sport motivation scale of participating in golf has good composite reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, cross-validity and model adaptation degree. According to the research result, the used sport motivation scale of participating in golf in this research can be applied to a large scale follow-up study after being verified. And based on the analysis obtained from this research, four suggestions have been put forward to promote the motivation of the participants, which include (1) strengthening golf’s enrooting degree from childhood to turn around golf’s established impression. (2) holding golf technical study and match communication activities at a regular time to make the participants feel their improvements. (3) extending the professional golf master’s visibility to attract citizens to imitate. (4) establishing a professional discussion platform to enhance the communication among the people of the same taste or hobby. Hope for by the result and suggestions of this research, apart from providing follow-up research---scale whose reliability and validity are all verfied to be good, the analysis of this research as well as can be used as the reference and formulation for relevant researching units on the extension strategy of golf sport.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 高爾夫動機量表結構方程模式GolfMotivationStructural equation modeling
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201606 (13期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-下一篇 屏東地區大學生在運動品牌形象認知之研究




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