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Explore the Charisma of sports stars
作者 陳治平
Purpose: Charisma has become one of the most valuable capabilities of today's corporate world. How to communicate with the audience, how to satisfy the audience desire, how to establish the direction of the audience, had become an important issue of sports stars behaviors. Methods: This research is to examine the charisma intellectual history of the 1-21 century, and to explore the region in Anglo-American sports star’s charisma of the 19-21 century. This research uses content analysis research method and combines historical comparative research method and grounded theory as the theoretical basis. Firstly, collection, collation and induction for the charisma intellectual are applied to the discussed relevant literature and to establish the analysis theory. We hope that through the each period of development by charisma’s intellectual history, to discuss why the sports stars have the unique charisma. Results: The results showed that sports and media culture are inseparable, modern myth creating the public hero. Due to changing times, in the past time, people worship engaged in production heroes. Now, they change into worship dreams and cousumption heroes. In today's globalized media, the true meaning of the sport’s charismatic is authenticity and uncertainties. Sports star’s charisma in reveal gifted, skills gorgeous and miracles proves nothing is impossible. Conclusion: In this research, we found that over time migration, the charisma discusses will change the content and form. And the sports stars can emphasis on every period. Five kinds discussed are applicable. Therefore, the charisma discussion is a comprehensive of changes organism, can not be single-oriented interpretation.
起訖頁 43-71
關鍵詞 運動明星魅力Sports starsCharisma
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201412 (10期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣運動觀光博碩士論文內容分析
該期刊-下一篇 出身背景、城鄉落差、財務資本對國小高年級學童休閒參與影響之研究




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