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An Experiential Value Model with Dramaturgical Theory for Tourism Factories
作者 李曄淳
This study examines the impact of the tourism factory by applying dramaturgical theory to a strategic experiential module (SEM). This application also improves interaction quality and generates experiential values. Customers of 5 tourism factories, which were transformed from traditional industries, are study subjects. Of 420 questionnaires, 385 were valid. Data were examined by consistency analysis, validity analysis, and simple and hierarchical regressions. Analytical results show that 1) the SEM is positively and significantly related to interaction quality; 2) interaction quality is positively and significantly related to experiential value; 3) the SEM is positively and significantly related to experiential value; 4) dramaturgical theory factors are positively and significantly related to interaction quality; 5) dramaturgical theory factors increase the influence of the SEM on interaction quality; and 6) the influence on experiential value by SEM is mediated by interaction quality. All hypotheses are supported. Tourism factories can apply dramaturgical theory and an SEM to increase interaction quality and improve experiential value for customers.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 觀光工廠策略體驗模組劇場理論互動品質體驗價值Tourism factorystrategic experiential moduledramaturgical theoryinteraction qualityexperiential value
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201412 (10期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣運動觀光博碩士論文內容分析




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