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Taking with Waters: The Disenchantment and Re-enchantment of Human–water Relationship
作者 王志弘
The article traces the history of water recreation in Taiwan along the changing human-water relationships with the concept of governmentality. The processes of recreationalization, disenchantment and re-enchantment of waters are revealed. Water used to be resource of irrigation and shipping in the agricultural society in Qing Dynasty. The human-water relationship by then was full of toil and dangers, and water recreation was only an entertainment of Literati. In the Japanese colonial era, waters were incorporated into a modern governance regime. The domestication of waters embodied in the exercises and entertainments, such as swimming, boating, bathing beach and hot spring, as symbols of civilization. From post-war to 1970’s, although water recreations were limited due to the coastal prohibition policy under the Kuomintang-communist confrontation and the marginalization of urban waterfronts, the trend of recreationalization of waters continued through stream camping and reservoir tours. Safety and lifesaving issues were emphasized after the 1980s. Water parks and health spa became popular by then. While the same time, ecotourism aroused by waterfront protection movements. Finally, booming constructions of accessible waterfront spaces, urban waterfront regeneration, and festivals on the coastal areas came out since the late 1990s. The development of waters became not only a recreation-oriented policy, but also a strategy for local revitalization.
起訖頁 21-49
關鍵詞 水域遊憩治理術waterrecreationgovernmentality
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201306 (7期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 全球身體活動之文化與性別的影響描圖:以學術研究為例
該期刊-下一篇 原漢族群、家庭社經地位及休閒參與對高中職體育班學生心理幸福之影響




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