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A study of the public attitude toward the death penalty
作者 邱炫綿
Death penalty is considered an extreme punishment and it was customary around the world over several centuries. But, attitude toward the death penalty is still a highly contentious and politicized problem in Taiwan and other countries. The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between public attitude toward the death penalty in Taiwan, participant’s personal background, environmental factors, and judicial quality. Using quota sampling, this study included 749 people from Taipei and Taoyuan counties as participants. The methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. The Questionnaire of the attitude toward the death penalty was used. Descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation, and discriminate analysis were conducted. The major results were summarized as follows: (a) a significant majority of the participants (75.6%) agreed to retain the death penalty; (b) with the higher level of social status, the participants show higher agreement to the abolishment of death penalty; (c) participants’ attitude toward the death penalty were supportive, when their awareness of the potential dangers of serious crime, the fear of outdoor and nocturnal activities are strong; (d) participants’ attitude toward the death penalty were supportive, when they aware lower satisfaction of the public procurator’s ability of investigation, prosecutions, and authoritative judgments; (e) briefly, participants with lower level of social status, the awareness of the potential dangers of serious crime increasing, and lower satisfaction of the public procurator’s ability of investigation and prosecutions show appositive attitude toward ending the death penalty; in contrast, participants with higher level of social status, the awareness of the potential dangers of serious crime decreasing, the fear of outdoor and nocturnal activities are strong , and higher satisfaction of the public procurator’s ability of investigation and prosecutions show supportive attitude toward ending the death penalty.
起訖頁 17-36
關鍵詞 死刑意向司法品質區別分析attitude toward the death penaltyjudicial qualitydiscriminate analysis
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201206 (5期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 休閒運動參與及體育教學專業能力之研究--以臺南市國小教師為例
該期刊-下一篇 消費者產品涉入、產品知識對購買意願之影響--以替代能源車為例




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