中文摘要 |
澳洲面臨天災不斷,澳洲政府對於新能源法體系有新的變革,掌管能源之主要機關雖為「資源、能源及旅遊部」(Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, DRET),但原名稱為氣候變遷部(Department of Climate Change, DCC),因應政府機構變革調整,於2012 年更改為「氣候變遷與能源效益部」(Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, DCCEE)。由澳洲政府將氣候變遷組織納入能源效率部分,顯然認為能源與氣候變遷之議題息息相關。 我國為因應全球暖化,確保能源使用及永續,於2012 年5 月提出《氣候變遷暨能源發展委員會組織法(草案)》,特設「氣候變遷暨能源發展委員會」。我國與澳洲皆有相似的看法,認為氣候變遷與能源相關程度緊密,其能源法規體系與相關議題的探討值得我國關注與借鏡。本文將針對我國與澳洲於傳統能源、新能源、氣候變遷、能源效益等方面作為探討。 |
英文摘要 |
In coping with the climate change, the Australian government recently has actively developed and changed its energy legal framework. In 2012, the Australian government also transformed the Department of Climate Change, DCC, into Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, DCCEE. This paper aims to introduce the recent development of energy legal frameworks in Australia, with the focus on the promotion of renewable energy, such as MRET and its recent amendments. This paper also surveys the recent changes in other energy sectors in Australia, in particular on the organization changes inside the government concerning energy and climate change. |