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A Study on the Travel Motivation, Satisfaction, Re-visit Intention of the Tourists Visiting Donggang Township, Pingtung County
作者 仲崇毅仲崇毅李劍華廖少威
To expand its tourism in the international market, Taiwan has become open to the tourists from Mainland China. Keeping pace with the times, Taiwan has witnessed a rapid economic development, a convenient transportation, and a change in the lifestyle and consumption habit of modern people. Moreover, the Taiwanese government has been active to promote the tourist industry. For all these measures, the tourist destinations in Taiwan have always become crowded on weekends and holidays. It seems that traveling has become one of important leisure activities for the Taiwanese on weekends and holidays. To meet the tourists’ demands for activities, all the local governments have spared no efforts to push forward regional tourism through the following ways – introducing local natural resources, promoting the development of literary and historical resources, highlighting customs and cultures, carrying forward historical heritages, safeguarding natural landscape, and seeking innovative development with local characteristics. Therefore, this study focuses on the tourism in Donggang Township, Pingtung County, and probes into the travel motivation, satisfaction and re-visits intention of the tourists visiting the area. With a questionnaire survey and the purposive sampling, this study took the tourists visiting Donggang Township as the subjects. In this study, 320 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and retrieved. Of the retrieved ones, 303 were valid while 17 invalid, with a valid retrieval rate of 94%. Then, the Chinese version of SPSS was adopted to analyze the data in the retrieved copies. According to the research results, there was some difference in travel motivation and satisfaction among different tourists. Travel motivation was divided into three dimensions, namely, “Cultural motivation”, “Interpersonal motivation” and “Physiological motivation”; travel satisfaction comprised two dimensions, “Travel environment” and “Feeling”. There was a positive correlation between the travel motivation and satisfaction of the tourists visiting Donggang Township, between the travel motivation and re-visit intention, and between travel satisfaction and re-visit intention.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 屏東縣東港鎮旅遊動機遊客滿意度重遊意願Donggang TownshipPingtung Countytravel motivationtourist satisfactionre-visit intention
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201609 (49期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-下一篇 六堆祈福尖炮城活動遊憩動機、滿意度與重遊意願之研究




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