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Effects of Growth Rates Relating Probiotics to Pearl Grouper Fry
作者 林泰榮邱同緯
本研究是比較餌料中有無添加益生菌(Shewanella sp),對珍珠龍膽石斑2 吋魚苗的成長率之影響。實驗在台南市勗登養殖場進行,自2010 年12 月至2011 年4 月止,分為「實驗組」1000 尾,餌料中加入益生菌養殖;1000 尾「對照組」則沒有加入益生菌養殖。每日監測水溫、鹽度、pH、氨、亞硝酸、投餌量、魚苗死亡數、弧菌數;每隔30 日則隨機採樣(30 尾)進行魚體體重與體長的測量。研究結果發現,60 日內「實驗組」及「對照組」之間,魚苗之平均體重及體長均無顯著差異(p > 0.05)。但在90 日及120 日,「實驗組」的平均體長皆大於「對照組」(p < 0.05)。魚苗在150日的平均體重及體長則出現「實驗組」明顯大於「對照組」(p < 0.01)。
This study was comparing the effects of growth rates to 2 inch pearl grouper fry whichbred with probiotics or not. Experimental location is in Zhu-Deng Aquaculture Farm,Tainan City, from Dec. 2010 to Apr. 2011. Study divided into experimental group (1000groupers bred with probiotics), and control group (1000 groupers without probiotics). Itemsdaily inspected were water temperature, salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrous acid, bait quantity,fry mortality and numbers of Vibrio. Random sampling every 30 days to measure 30 fish’smean weight and mean length. The results indicated there were no significant differencesin the mean weight or mean length between two groups (experimental group and controlgroup) within 60 days (p > 0.05). But at 90 and 120 days, the experimental group’s meanlengths were larger than control group (p < 0.05). It also showed the significant differencesthat experimental group’s mean weight and mean length were both larger than controlgroup (p < 0.01) at 150 days.
起訖頁 15-22
關鍵詞 石斑魚苗益生菌成長率Grouper FryProbioticsGrowth Rates
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201403 (44期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 影響全國職場哺(集)乳室設置之相關因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 探討行動學習對國中學生的商業技職教育信念的效應




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