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Bayesian Cournot Competition
作者 鄭基田
This paper considers a model of Cournot competition where firms have incomplete information about their rivals’ costs. The equilibrium concept we use is that of Bayesian- Nash equilibrium. Based on the recognition of the “aggregative structure” within Cournot competition in which each firm’s payoff is determined by its own strategy choice and the un-weighted sum of all firms’ strategy choices, we are able to characterize the equilibria in a very simple way. We show that when we consider not the best response but the strategy consistent with a Nash equilibrium in which the aggregate strategy of all players take same value (which is given by what we call the replacement function), then Nash equilibria correspond to fixed points of the aggregate replacement function whose properties we can certainly obtain without need for restricting our attention to symmetric games or games in which there are just 2 players. We develop sufficient conditions under which there is a unique equilibrium. The approach facilitates the analysis of comparative statics, since the characterization of Bayesian-Nash equilibria can be shown on a two-dimensional space.
起訖頁 543-577
關鍵詞 總合賽局替代函數分析法貝氏-納許均衡Aggregative gamesReplacement function approachBayesian-Nash equilibrium
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 201012 (38:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-下一篇 台灣最適外匯準備持有量之評估




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