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A Method of Moments Based Synthesis of Estimation and Testing Methods for Financial Time Series Models
作者 陳宜廷
In this survey paper, we provide a synthesis of parametric (finite-dimensional-momentsbased) estimation and testing methods for various classes of financial time series (FTS) models, including partially specified GARCH-type models in the univariate context and their extensions to univariate fully specified models, multivariate partially specified models (constant /dynamic conditional correlation models), multivariate fully specified models (copula-based multivariate dynamic models), and multiplicative error models. This synthesis is based on a unified approach, which is established using the concept of the generalized residual (that encompasses the error terms of various models) and the method of moments (that forms the generalized estimation and testing methods). This approach is systematically applicable to various conditional moment or distribution models. This paper summarizes a number of important FTS models and the associated parametric estimation and testing methods, and highlights some simple but general principles underlying these seemingly different models and methods.
起訖頁 157-210
關鍵詞 固定/動態條件相關係數模型條件動差檢定關聯函數估計函數一般化自我迴歸條件異質性模型一般化殘差動差法最大概似法乘式誤差模型準最大概似法CCC/DCC modelsConditional moment testCopulaEstimating functionGARCH-type modelsGeneralized residualMethod of momentsML methodMultiplicative error modelsQML method
刊名 經濟論文  
期數 201006 (38:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院經濟研究所
該期刊-上一篇 考慮隨機跳躍與違約風險下存活交換合約之定價
該期刊-下一篇 交易量在預測內部交易機率與技術分析的訊息價值




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