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Developmental Trend and Positioning of Modern Museums
作者 楊淑玲
隨著二十一世紀的到來,博物館面對了重重關卡的挑戰,從博物館歷經功能的變革到朝向商業化的發展,不可諱言連博物館一詞都好像造成一種負面的印象。博物館似乎出現了前途未卜的命運,到底是堅持典型的博物館路線,還是附和休閒市場的作法?這其實是一個見仁見智的問題,而在思考這個問題的同時,我們不能忽視當前博物館已然形成的幾種現象:1.博物館不再只是單一的文化資產傳播者 2.博物館的競爭者與日俱增 3.博物館不全面對社會開放,將使得觀眾流向其他服務良好的休閒娛樂市場。這些現象是博物館無法迴避的社會整體的大環境,也明白點出了博物館該走的路線。本文試圖提出當前博物館的發展趨勢,以澄清博物館的某些刻板印象,作者在文中就參與體驗型和交互作用型的展示特色、理性休閒的觀念興起及開創博物館和觀眾之間的交換模式來加以說明,並指出博物館產品的特性以及博物館市場策略的運作。
With the approaching of the 21st century, museum is faced with various challenges. From the change of museum functions to its commercialized development, it is not surprising that the term museum seems to make a negative impression on people. Museums appear to have a future unable to foresee. Should we insist on traditional museum type, or yield to the recreational market? This is an issue with different views. As we ponder this question, we cannot overlook some phenomena already formed nowadays: 1. Museum is no longer the sole medium of cultural assets. 2. Museum’s competitors Increase with time. 3. If museum fails to thoroughly open up to the public; it will lose the audience to other recreational markets with better service. These phenomena not only represent an inevitable overall environment for museums, but also pinpoint the path museums ought to follow.
起訖頁 62-76
刊名 科技博物  
期數 200103 (5:2期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-上一篇 博物館輔助學校科技教學策略以國立科學工藝博物館為例
該期刊-下一篇 諾貝爾獎帶動基因科技潮流




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