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Museums Need PR Too
作者 曾信傑
Do museums need Public relations? This is a question a lot of people are asking these days, and it is a problem that the modern museum must address. PR's most basic aim ---communication with the public is certainly a must for museums. The ultimate aim of museum PR is to establish good relations between the museum and the publicit serves. Put this way, PR is something that no museum can be without. Why do museums need PR? How should they use PR? What problems can be expected in carrying out PR? Here are some suggestions which may be helpful in answering these and other questions. This article begins by defining PR, its concepts and its basic operating tools. What is PR? How do the experts feel about PR? PR is defined as assisting an individual (or a business or non-profit organization) to establish good relations with the public through various communication channels or communication strategies. There are four main elements involved in PR operations: The Communicator; The Public; The Message; and The Media.
起訖頁 5-25
刊名 科技博物  
期數 200005 (4:3期)
出版單位 國立科學工藝博物館
該期刊-下一篇 博物館觀眾意見回饋機制的檢討與展望--以科工館觀眾服務卡反映之展示意見為例




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