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運用語料庫方法探討德文同義詞的搭配選擇及其在德語教學的應用--以benutzen, nutzen, verwenden, gebrauchen 為例
Collocation of German Synonyms and Its Corpus-based Application in German Teaching – A Case Study on the Synonyms benutzen, nutzen, verwenden and gebrauchen
作者 陳姿君
近年來語料庫語言學的興起,豐富了搭配詞的研究方法及理解,也帶動了許多同義字的研究。但真正能將之應用到德語教學,並提出具體可行的建議卻很少。本研究試圖藉助語料庫的搭配詞相關研究,發展一套方式來區辨同義動詞之搭配組合的差異,並具體說明,要如何在德語教學上使用,協助以中文為母語的德語學習者找到適當的搭配詞,並學習區辨相關同義字在語用上的差異。筆者從教授德語的經驗出發,以台灣學生學習德文時容易混淆的四個德文同義動詞benutzen, nutzen, verwenden 以及gebrauchen 為例,說明如何運用此一分析成果在德語教學上,加強德語學習的學習成效。文章最後將透過本研究的成果,與傳統語言學的觀點進行對話與理論反思。
The research method of collocation and the related discussions have advanced since the rise of the corpus linguistics. This motivates a lot of studies about German synonyms. However, few of them have concretely contributed to the discipline of German teaching. This study aims at proposing a method for guiding Taiwanese German learners to find the collocation by choosing one among different German synonymous verbs. Based on my experiences in German teaching, I find that Taiwanese students are easily confused by the German synonymous verbs like benutzen, nutzen, verwenden and gebrauchen and have problems with choosing a proper one to express. This paper demonstrates the method that the teacher or students by themselves could apply to choose the correct verb, based on DWDS-Corpus. This method shows as an example and is expected to be applied to the other groups of German synonym. This study ends up with a theoretical reflection on the traditional way of comparing synonyms.
起訖頁 117-144
關鍵詞 語料庫語料庫語言學同義字搭配詞德語教學CorpusCorpus LinguisticsSynonymyCollocationDaF
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 201606 (24期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-上一篇 洪素珊的小說《用筷子吃蛋糕》中有關「跨文化能力」之探討
該期刊-下一篇 語料庫為本之西班牙語寫作研究




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