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Implementations of CALL for Japanese Language for Beginner’s Level Possibilities of using PowerPoint to create it as a teaching instrument
作者 呂惠莉
隨著電腦的普及,多媒體運用於語言教學的概念已廣為接受,近年來,CALL(Computer Assisted Language Learning)亦即「電腦輔助語言學習」常被論及,也有不少學者致力於其硬體系統的建構以及軟體開發的研究。但是,從現實面來看,根據黃淑妙(2005)的調查顯示;以目前台灣的日語教育環境而言,不但硬體的建構不易,也並非每一個語言教師都非常精通電腦。因此,本文將從務實的角度著眼,善用目前擁有的資源,試圖利用容易上手的微軟簡報軟體Power Point,配合銘傳大學E化教室及Moodle多媒體設備,並考量現代大學生習慣利用電腦學習及搜尋資訊的習慣,嘗試自製簡易的CALL教材。除了說明及反覆練習等CALL教材的基本機能之外,並透過CALL教材為媒介,與Moodle學習平台的討論區結合,或於教材中連結麥當勞、樂天購物網及各種問卷調查網站,將廣域的CALL環境運用於初級會話教學,以提升學生的學習意願與學習成效。內容包括:(1)外語教學理論與CALL的關係及其應用方法;(2)Power Point教材製作理念與實踐;(3)初級日語教學中CALL教材之運用與實踐報告;(4)透過問卷調查了解學生的接受度與來自學習者的回饋。由學生反應可知 ; 教師利用Power Point自製CALL教材對提升學生學習意願及學習成效有其正面意義。自製CALL教材的優點是;從學習者的觀點而言,不但符合其學習習慣,學習更加生活化。而從教師的角度來看,教師可以配合自己的指導法,按照個別班級所需製作個性化教材。而有效利用Power Point的動畫及連結功能,與網路及學習平台結合,則更能發揮電腦輔助學習的功效。不過,必須注意的是;CALL教材與紙本教材使用上的平衡,過猶不及,適度適時使用CALL教材,才不致於流於華而不實之結果。
Concepts of using multi-media to language learning have been widely accepted with computers’ gaining popularity these days. Many are devoted to developing hardware and software infrastructure of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). However, this is not an easy task, considering not only Japanese Language education is limited here in Taiwan, but also not all language teachers are good at using computers. Hence, the project tries to combine PowerPoint, which is easier to most teachers with current resources- e-learning classrooms and Moodle system in Ming Chuan University; seeking to create a simplified version of CALL. Implementing CALL to conversation classes at the beginner’s level for the purpose of promoting learning motivations and effects. Followings are included in this research: (1) relations and applications between foreign language teaching theories and CALL (2) concepts and practice of creating PowerPoint teaching instruments (3) implementations and hand-on reports of using CALL to teach Japanese Language at the beginner’s level (4) reactions and responses from students What we’ve learned from students’ responses is that it brought out some positive effects on promoting willingness to learn while teachers creating their own CALL teaching instruments. Advantages for creating CALL instruments are that teachers can not only teach each class based on different traits but also combine internet and online platform via PowerPoint to maximize usages from computer assisted methods. However, we should always keep in mind that using CALL instruments and in-class references should be in balance.
起訖頁 67-90
關鍵詞 日語初級課程CALL教材PowerPoint學習意願E化教室與MoodleJapanese Language at beginner’s levelCALL teaching instrumentsPowerPointlearning motivationE-learning classrooms and Moodle
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 201001 (11期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-上一篇 對日觀感與日語習得之相關分析--以台灣大學生為例
該期刊-下一篇 跨文化溝通中的文化差異問題




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