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A Study on “Warbler” and “Stepping Out” by Yang Mu
作者 許又方
當詩人試圖以文字「再現」(represent)或「重構」(re-create)某個曾在的意象--其或是古代的典故,亦或是前人的作品時,同時也就開啟另一個向度的意義指涉。本文所討論的楊牧兩首詩,〈黃雀〉可與曹植的〈野田黃雀行〉互讀;〈卻坐〉則關涉英國中古詩作 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight。詩人如何與前行作品對話?如何轉換原有典故的意指?而其中所呈現的藝術觀照及哲理思考有何值得深入研索之處?在在值得我們關注。而兩 首詩同時引入「劍」的意象,復又同時提及「武士(人)」,一中一西,顯 然也饒富引人一探究竟的底蘊。本文對這二首詩的解析,將主要引用楊牧的詩歌評論,目的亦在揭示一個觀察:詩人的作品,往往是其詩學理念的實踐。
When poets intend to use text to “represent” or “re-create” an image that used to exist – an ancient allusion or a work of an ancient person, they also create a meaning in another dimension. For the two poems by Yang Mu (楊牧) discussed in this study, “Warbler”(黃雀) can be compared with “Hunting Warbler in Wild Field”(野田黃雀行) by Cao Zhi(曹植) , while “Stepping Out”(卻坐) can be compared with an ancient British poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.” How do poets converse with past works? How do they switch the meaning of original allusions? Why are the artistic reflection and philosophic thinking presented in their works worthy of in-depth investigation? These questions are all worth of our attention. The image of “sword” is introduced to both the two poems. Moreover, a “knight (person) ” is also mentioned in them, with one eastern knight and one western knight, which also seems to attract readers to explore the meanings. The analysis on these two poems in this study mainly used the comments on Yang Mu's poems, and aimed to reveal an observation: the works of poets are usually their practice of poetic ideas.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 楊牧曹植卻坐黃雀Yang MuCao ZhiStepping OutWarbler
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201612 (32期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 五四新文化運動的異聲/和聲?--重探《學衡》與新文化運動




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