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Immediate bilateral peroneal nerve palsy in a healthy null parturient after elective cesarean section
作者 Chih-Kai Shih (Chih-Kai Shih)
ith an incidence around 0.92%.1 Peroneal nerve palsy is a kind of neuropathy and results in dropping foot, with sensation abnormality in the dorsal foot and anterolateral aspect of the lower leg.2 Bilateral peroneal nerve palsy after child-birth has rarely been reported.3 We encountered a 37-year-old female, 163 cm in height, 65 kg in weight who was a null parturient (gravida 1, para 0). Elective cesarean section was arranged due the malposition of the fetus. During the regular prenatal examinations, no specific systemic disease was noted including neurologic system disease. All preoperative blood examination data were within normal limitations. Cesarean section was performed uneventfully under spinal anesthesia. 0.5% Marcaine 2.5 ml was injected into the spinal sac through the 4th to 5th lumbar intervertebral space. No obvious uncomfortable sensation was mentioned by the parturient during the advancement of the spinal needle. The patient was sent back to the ordinary ward for further care after the operation for 2 h.
起訖頁 45-45
關鍵詞 Peroneal nerve palsy
刊名 麻醉學雜誌  
期數 201706 (55:2期)
出版單位 台灣麻醉醫學會
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