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The Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nursing Education
作者 邱淑芬蘇秀娟黃衍文
由於二十一世紀資通訊科技快速的發展,各行各業均產生了顛覆性變革,健康照護專業也不例外。護理師是醫療機構中為數最多的專業人員, 面對醫療快速資訊化的時代,是否具備相關能力接受這樣的挑戰值得存疑。台灣目前開設培育護理學生的資訊素養必修課程不足,護理教學策略仍採用傳統講授方式居多,教師對於應用資訊科技於教學也多抱持被動心態。反觀國外將資通訊科技融入護理教學已近20年,且有不錯的教學成效。因應政府推動數位學習計畫,國內各領域教育界也陸續將資訊科技融入教學,這些推展經驗都值得做為台灣護理教育的借鏡。因此,本文將介紹資通訊科技融入教學的概念、國際間護理教育應用資通訊科技的現況,以及應用過程中衍生的議題,以做為國內護理教育推動資通訊科技融入護理教學的參考。
With the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the 21st century, all walks of life have experienced disruptive changes, including the healthcare profession. Although nurses represent the largest number of professionals in medical institutions, it is doubtful whether nurses possess sufficient capabilities to face challenges in this era of rapid medical informatization. Currently, the courses necessary to cultivate information literacy in nursing students are insufficient in Taiwan, and traditional instruction methods are largely adopted as nursing teaching strategies. Additionally, most teachers hold a passive attitude towards the application of ICT in teaching. On the contrary, ICT have been integrated into nursing education in many countries around the world for nearly 20 years, achieving good levels of teaching efficacy. Reflecting the Taiwan government’s promotion of digital learning projects, academic circles in various fields have also started to gradually integrate ICT into teaching. Nursing educators in Taiwan have much to reference and to learn from these disparate integration experiences. Therefore, this article introduces the concepts of integration of ICT into teaching, the current status of the application of ICT in international nursing education, and the issues faced during this application as a reference for nursing education in Taiwan in order to promote the integration of ICT into nursing education.
起訖頁 5-11
關鍵詞 資訊素養護理教育資通訊科技科技融入教學information literacynursing educationinformation and communication technologytechnology integrated into instruction
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201712 (64:6期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-下一篇 虛擬實境與擴增實境在醫護實務與教育之應用




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