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應用Google Earth不同圖層設計對經濟地理學習影響之研究
Assessing the Effectiveness of an Applying Multi-Layered Instructional Program on Google Earth for Economic Geography Learning
作者 區國良 (Kuo-Liang Ou)曾郁庭 (Yu-Ting Zeng)李晏華
本研究旨在探討運用Google Earth圖層之地理資訊系統,編製全球經濟地理主題地圖,建置一立體空間之全球經濟地理教學系統,對學習者經濟地理之學習成就及學習動機影響。以具Google Earth圖層展示之「全球經濟地理教學系統」為自變項,「教學內容」和「教學輔具」為控制變項,「學習成就」與「學習動機」為依變項,研究對象為某科技大學大學部學生共28人,實驗教學前進行學習成就測驗前測,根據測驗結果進行異質分組,實驗組與對照組各14人,經過8週16節實驗教學處理,教學設計以學習單作引導,分別以「多圖層主題地圖」與「單圖層主題地圖」之全球經濟地理教學系統的教學設計進行實驗教學。實驗教學後進行學習成就測驗與學習動機問卷調查,評量學習者學習成就及學習動機,以取得本研究所需之研究數據,並針對測驗結果進行分析及考驗。經由研究結果發現,實驗組在使用多圖層地圖之後的學習成就,顯著優異於使用單圖層地圖之對照組;實驗組及對照組在學習動機問卷結果均顯示,經由全球經濟地理教學系統能激發學習者對經濟領域的學習動機與興趣,且利用本教學平台進行同儕的討論,能引起學習者對經濟議題的關注。
For improving learning motivation and economical literacy, this study constructed a platform integrating a multi-layered user interface on Google Earth, with three-dimensional global economic geographical GIS. Students were requested to join discussions of the global issue of Bluefin tuna in this novel platform. The difference between multi-layered and singlelayered user interfaces were discussed. It is found that the economic literacy of the experimental group (which used a multi-layered user interface) is significantly increased compared to the control group (which used a single-layered user interface). Moreover, the ARCS motivational questionnaire showed positive effects both on the experimental group and control group. In other words, the findings show that GIS improves learners' motivation for economic education, and experimental groups promote better collaboration among learners and help them be aware of problems and economic issues globalization.
起訖頁 29-56
關鍵詞 地理資訊系統Google Earth經濟地理經濟素養Geography Information System (GIS)Google EarthEconomic GeographyEconomic Literacy
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:數理科技類  
期數 201812 (32:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 中區環境教育區域中心運作之成效探討研究
該期刊-下一篇 男女幸福大不同?──父母教養、教師管教與同儕關係品質對不同性別國中生幸福感預測之差異分析




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