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Factors Affecting the Performance of Nonword Repetition for Children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) |
作者 |
鄭靜宜 |
中文摘要 |
本研究的目的在探討語音異常(speech sound disorders, SSD)兒童的非詞複誦表現以及 非詞複誦和聽知覺區辨、偵測、詞語理解、短期記憶和構音能力之間的關係。非詞是不具 意義的音節組成,因非詞的音韻處理受到語意的牽絆較小,藉由非詞的複誦、區辨和偵測 等評估作業可對SSD 兒童的音韻工作記憶能力、語音聽知覺、語音切割、語音動作等能力 關係加以釐清,並可顯現SSD 能力的限制。本研究所使用的三種非詞作業,包括非詞聽知 覺區辨、非詞音節偵測以及非詞複誦作業,共有134 位學前兒童參與,其中SSD 兒童和正 常控制組各有67 位,控制組是由年齡、性別配對的SSD 同儕所組成。測試後分析結果發 現兩組兒童在三項非詞作業的正確率和數字廣度分數有顯著差異,且發現兒童的非詞複誦 正確率和非詞聽辨、非詞偵測、數字廣度分數與構音正確率之間具顯著中度至中高度相關, 而非詞複誦正確率和詞彙理解能力之間相關則不顯著。多元迴歸分析的結果顯示兒童的詞 語構音正確率,其次是非詞區辨正確率、再其次是數字廣度分數(短期記憶)這三個變項 可解釋64%之非詞複誦正確率的變異量。推論語音異常兒童較差的非詞複誦表現之因,除 了較弱的構音動作技巧外,尚有聽知覺區辨以及短期音韻記憶能力的限制。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the nonword repetition performance of children with speech sound disorders (SSD) and nonword discrimination, nonword detection, phonological shorten memory and auditory word comprehension. Nonwords, composed by syllables are meaningless, were thought to be less involved in semantic components. In this study, three nonword tasks were developed for preschool children, including the nonword repetition task, the nonword discrimination task and the nonword detection task. In the nonword repetition task, there are two subtests, one is “simple nonword repetition”, and the other is “complex nonword repetition”. The main difference between these two repetition tasks is the motor complexity of the initial consonant of a syllable. The simple nonword repetition task is similar to the “syllable repetition task” (SRT), proposed by Shriberg, et al. (2009). There are also two subtests in the nonword detection tasks, one is sentence nonword detection task, and the other is nonword sequence nonword detection tasks. The target nonwords are the same, but the difference is the carrier stimuli, which are either sentences or nonword sequences. There were 134 preschool children participating the nonword assessments, half of them with speech sound disorders, and half of them are speech typically developing, age-matched peers. The results showed that the children with SSD had significantly lower percentage correct on all three nonword tasks, as well as on the digital span task, but not on the PPVT scores. The correct rates of nonword repetition were moderately correlated with those of the nonword discrimination, nonword detection and digital span scores. The performance of nonword repetition can be 64% explained by the articulatory correct rates, speech discrimination, and digital span scores, and it suggests that the poor articulatory motor ability, and the limitation of speech perception capacity and phonological working memory can account for the poor performance of nonword repetition on children with SSD. |
起訖頁 |
055-084 |
關鍵詞 |
非詞複誦、語音異常、構音異常、非詞偵測、非詞聽辨、短期記憶、nonword repetition、speech sound disorders、articulatory disorders、phonological memory、nonword detection、nonword discrimination |
刊名 |
特殊教育學報 |
期數 |
201712 (46期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
國小中年級閱讀障礙兒童伴隨語言問題之研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
彰化縣國中資優巡迴輔導成效與困境之研究 |